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The letter from Darling to H*****

Hey you mr. H***** 

Bad news travels fast so Gimme your money please, and stop Wastin' time or did you think for a minute you could just Let it ride.  Oh no.. we are famous for Taking care of business. When we did put our money in your Free wheeling banks we were not Givin it all away. Oh no! Nothin' comes easy.

Brits are Not fragile mr. H**** we are Blue collar people and although I Stayed awake alnight, now looking like a Tramp I'm solid as a Sledgehammer and I'm ain' no Average man and I say to you... and your Four wheel drive nation I think you better slow down realizing it's the End of the line.  And on behalf of your nation you should be Takin' it like a man, without any Blue moanin  because It's over.  And if you guys want to Stay alive then you should get as far a Away from home as possible and don't expect a warm Welcome home sign anywhere.

So you see mr. H***** if your not paying.. there will be Steet action. Innocenct at first, people shouting Can we all come together.  Then someone... feeling like a  Shotgun rider will fire the first shot, Lookin' out for number one. As I said a Trial by fire.

Well maybe not right away but Give it time. Some day when you are driving Down the road or taking a Roll On Down The Highway a bang... Just for you.  And if you are lucky and still can Hold Back The Water you have atleast experienced A sense of danger so there won't be any Rock and roll nights for you anymore. Just a Rock and roll hell. So I can promice you one thing... You're gonna miss me. But my Life still goes on.

So Don't get yourself in trouble by replying if your not going to pay. One day you'll have to Testify.

Thank you for reading this, Darling

Það vekur athygli að svartlituðu orðin eru allt saman titlar laga með Backman Turner Overdrive. Örugglega uppáhalds hljómsveitin hansBlush

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